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Your Design Guide is on its way to You!


That's it friend! Tweak the Page to your heart's content! 🎉 

Always duplicate the Original Layer before you begin your edits on the Duplicate so you can revert to the original anytime.

Once the 'UPDATE CUSTOM CODE" panel is open, scroll to the 15th code line. We will ONLY focus on the COLORS section. Here you can add as many or as little as you want.

Simply replace the preset colors with your brand colors.

If you have less colors than what is provided, delete the remaining lines of hex codes and make sure your final line has the semi-colon and the lines above have a comma at the end.

Click SAVE.

Click 'Confetti iFrame' Layer on the Page Tab to open 'EMBED INFO' Section on the design settings panel to your right.

Preview instructions on Desktop :)

Confetti Design
